video projection and art direction for performance created with composer Sam Scranton, performed by Mocrep (2016)
The video for HOLOLITH is a simulated Weather Channel© experience comprised of real weather information, transcripts from intimate conversations, and the 1000 most used phrases from the english language. Cozy blankets, colored bucket lights, and beloved house plants surround the performers in order to give them a pleasing and secure space to create this durational work.
“HOLOLITH is a durational work of speculative music that engages—through sound, image, and ritual—outsized forces that shape and are shaped by humans. HOLOLITH asks audience members to get cozy, move around and think about HOLOLITH as sculpture, just let it wash over them. HOLOLITH asks performers to perform speculative music with tools such as: landscaping stones, rebar, contact speakers, PVC instruments, found objects, bass drums. HOLOLITH finds source material in weather data, medieval manners manuals, Western Avenue car dealer info, children's jokes, and ancient-to-contemporary healing recipes. HOLOLITH is an unbroken stone circle. But HOLOLITH is also a hologram. HOLOLITH can even be a megalith, but a megalith printed on paper. packaged with bubblegum. HOLOLITH is a real good time.” - Sam Scranton